A description of the raw ore properties of an ore separated by PTMS magnetic separator
wet high intensity magnetic separator
Run of mine ore properties ore according to the nature of ore is classified into magnetite, hematite and magnetite ore and hematite ore - magnetite ore, pyrite (red), siderite ore - magnetite ore (red), iron mainly occurs in the magnetite, second occurrence in martite and a small amount of limonite, iron ore of iron sulfide content of pyrite and traces of pyrrhotite, The copper bearing minerals are chalcopyrite, etc. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3).
PTMS Magnetic Separator
Gangue minerals in the ore are mainly diopside, feldspar, quartz, anhydrite and so on. The ore structure is dominated by idiomorphic and hypidiomorphic crystal structure, followed by heteromorphic crystal structure, pseudomorphic metasomatic structure, reticular or reticular vein structure and residual metasomatic structure. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3).
what is magnetic separation used for?
The ore structure is mainly dense massive structure, followed by disseminated structure, reticular structure, reticulated vein structure and speckled structure. Magnetite is mainly composed of automorphic and hypidiorphic dense masses and reticulated and reticulated vein aggregates associated with gangue, the maximum particle size is 10 mm, the minimum particle size is 0. 01 mm, and the general size is 0. 10 ~ 1. 50 mm. Pyrite is dominated by idiomorphic to semiidiomorphic grains, with the maximum particle size of 1. 50 mm, the minimum particle size of 0. 005 mm, and generally 0. 30 ~ 0. 01 mm. PTMS magnetic separator can remove the iron inside (Fe2O3).
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