One of the common quartz sand beneficiation PTMS magnetic separator purification process - scrub - classification - desliming - magnetic separation method
published date: 2022/1/26
magnetic equipment
In actual production, due to the different amount and type, content, occurrence state and product quality requirements of impurities contained in quartz sand, a single method may not be able to achieve the purpose of quartz sand beneficiation and purification, and sometimes a joint beneficiation process consisting of several methods is needed.
PTMS magnetic separator
Scrubbing - grading - desliming -PTMS magnetic separator magnetic separation method is a method of quartz sand beneficiation purification process
what is magnetic bead separation?
In the process of weathering, deposition and mineralization of quartz sand, a large number of clay minerals and iron minerals form cementation or adhesive minerals on the quartz surface. Scrub-grading and desiling processes are commonly used to remove clay impurity minerals, argillous iron and part of thin film iron. This process is generally used as a pretreatment process before raw ore is selected to effectively remove argillaceous impurity minerals by PTMS magnetic separator.
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