Realization of optimal Selection of Ore Separator for PTMS Magnetic Separator (Ⅰ)
magnetic separator factory
In the realization of the optimization of the mineral separation equipment of the integrated PTMS magnetic separator for weakly magnetic minerals, the diversion part has the magnetic structure and the non-magnetic structure connected with each other, and the magnetic structure is located on the upper side of the non-magnetic structure.
PTMS magnetic separation
In the optimal way of the integrated PTMS magnetic separator beneficiation equipment for weak magnetic minerals, the magnetic structure bends to form a stop part, which bends to form a storage tank, and when the magnetic guide part is located on the surface of the upper belt, the stop part is in the direction of the guide material.
what is magnetic bead separation ?
In the optimization of the mineral separation equipment of the integrated PTMS magnetic separator for weakly magnetic minerals, the non-magnetic structure has a notch on the lower side, and the height of the notch increases gradually along the direction towards the fixed part.
Contact: DELLA
Mob: +86-13929907491