PTMS magnetic separator flotation is one of the effective methods to remove harmful impurities from potassium feldspar
electromagnetic separator manufacturer
Iron is not only iron oxide, but also mechanical iron and so on. To remove iron is to remove quartz ore and potassium albite heavy iron elements, impurity minerals containing iron are generally: goethite, hematite, limonite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, turmaline, amphibole, biotite and so on. They can use PTMS magnetic separator for iron removal.
PTMS magnetic separation
PTMS magnetic separator for the removal of iron from quartz and potassium alspar can be divided into chemical, physical and biological methods for the removal of iron. Potassium albite is associated with mica, quartz, calcite and iron bearing minerals. In general, the iron in feldspar minerals occurs mainly in mica, hematite, pyrite and ferrous alkali silicate minerals (such as garnet, tourmaline and hornblende).
what is magnetic separation in Kaolin ?
PTMS magnetic separator flotation is one of the effective methods to remove harmful impurities from feldspar. Feldspar can be flotation with oleic acid collector. Aluminum salts inhibit feldspar in acidic media and activate feldspar in weakly alkaline media. Amines are also collectors of feldspar, the sorting effect is good, but attention should be paid to the adjustment of pulp pH and slime out.
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