Magnetic separation machine
PTMS magnetic separator uses NdFeb high quality magnetic material with high magnetic flux density, high magnetic energy product and high magnetic induction intensity on the effective separating surface. The working face is directly in contact with minerals, and the equipment utilization rate is high. Full magnetic design, pulp and effective working face contact area is large, magnetic envelope Angle is close to 270°, can prevent the loss of fine grained useful minerals to the maximum extent; The use of brush unloading ore can well prevent the adsorption of weak magnetic minerals in non-magnetic areas.
PTMS magnetic separator
Wet and dry separation are two main processes of kaolin PTMS magnetic separator. The dry separation process is used for processing kaolin ore with high whiteness and low gravel content, which is easy to operate and cost saving. Kaolin ore is crushed in a kaolin crusher, and then kaolin concentrate can be obtained after grinding in a Raymond mill.
what is magnetic separation method for concentration of ore?
PTMS has a special laboratory and laboratory to carry out beneficiation experiments for customers free of charge. Because mineral properties determine the mineral processing process and equipment, and there are great differences in the properties of the same mineral in different deposits, it is recommended that the majority of mining operators first mail part of the ore samples to the company for ore assay analysis, PTMS magnetic separator separation test, we will inform the customer of the test results. Avoid client's investment risk.
Contact: DELLA
Mob: +86-13929907491