Main variable of drum type magnetic separator
published date: 2020/7/4
electromagnetic separation
what is magnetic separation process ?
In the design of magnetic separator, magnetic field intensity and magnetic field gradient are two main variables affecting separation. A magnetic separator that produces a magnetic field strength less than 2000 Gauss or 0.2 Tesla, the upper limit of conventional permanent ferrite magnets, and is often referred to as a low-strength separator. High-intensity magnetic separators usually operate in areas over 5000 Gauss or Tesla. Magnetic field gradient refers to the rate of change or convergence of magnetic field strength. The higher the rate of change or convergence, the stronger the magnetic attraction. The most common way to generate a magnetic gradient in a magnetic separator is to concentrate the flux lines on the steel plates in the circuit. This can be achieved simply by placing a steel plate between two magnets. The magnetic flux will be concentrated in the steel plate, resulting in extremely high magnetic field strength. Contact: DELLA Mob: +86-13929907491