The double liquid layer flotation method of kaolin requires high gradient PTMS magnetic separation
magnetic separator suppliers
In the PTMS magnetic separation flotation process, for the ultra-fine flotation method, the carrier type, particle size and dosage, as well as the concentration and pH value of the pulp will affect the flotation effect. Choosing suitable carriers such as limestone, calcite, etc., and grinding them to the appropriate particle size (generally up to-325 mesh (less than 50 μ m)) is crucial for catching fine mineral impurities.
PTMS magnetic separation
In the double-layer flotation method, the type and dosage of pH regulator, the type and dosage of collector, the amount of organic solution and the stirring strength are the key parameters. At high gradient PTMS magnetic separation, the appropriate magnetic field strength and the choice of the polymagnetic medium can affect the iron removal effect.
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The stirring strength is insufficient and the organic phase cannot be fully dispersed, which reduces the chance of collision contact between iron minerals and organic drops; the stirring strength is too large, it is easy to form the intermediate phase (emulsion turbidity), so that the sorting effect becomes worse. In magnetic separation, the magnetic field strength is the key parameter. For weak magnetic minerals, increasing the strength of the PTMS magnetic separation magnetic field is needed to be effectively removed.
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